
2023-11-27 10:02:07 中国路面机械网
  • 会议纪实·郑州-三联机械应邀出席第六届建筑垃圾暨首届装修垃圾资源化综合利用经验交流会
  • 	Meeting Minutes · Zhengzhou - S.L Machinery Invited to Attend the 6th Construction Waste and the 1st Comprehensive Utilization of Decoration Waste Resources Experience Exchange Conference
  • 	三联机械
  • 	 11月22日-24日,“第六届建筑垃圾暨首届装修垃圾资源化综合利用经验交流会”在郑州顺利召开。
  • 	The 6th Construction Waste and the 1st Comprehensive Utilization of Decoration Waste Experience Exchange Conference was successfully held in Zhengzhou from November 22nd to 24th.
  • 	会议主题
  • 	  本次大会以“绿色创造价值,低碳改变世界,合作赋能共赢”为主题,分享和探讨建筑垃圾和装修垃圾资源化综合利用的最新经验和技术,推动行业的可持续发展。The theme of this conference is "Green creates value, low-carbon changes the world, and cooperation empowers win-win". It shares and explores the latest experiences and technologies in the comprehensive utilization of construction waste and decoration waste resources, promoting the sustainable development of the industry.
  • 	演讲主题
  • 	 泉州市三联机械制造有限公司(以下简称“三联机械”)应邀出席会议,公司副总经理李晓颖作为受邀嘉宾,做了“利用建筑垃圾再生骨料生产大型水工和挡土墙砌块的生产实践和设备”的主题演讲。
  • 	S.L machinery was invited to attend the meeting. Li Xiaoying, Deputy General Manager of the company, gave a keynote speech on "Production Practice and Equipment of Large scale Hydraulic and Retaining Wall Blocks Using Construction Waste Recycled Aggregate".
  • https://news-static.lmjx.net/upload/upfs/202311/27/1000w600hf_1701050545619025.jpg!1024x1024.jpg